Sponsorship Opportunity

It gives us great pleasure to announce the 5th annual meeting of the
American Society for Intercellular Communication (ASIC) to be held October 16 – 18, 2025.

The meeting is organized by a group of investigators seeking to create a platform for informal exchange of ideas on emerging questions and cutting-edge developments in the field of Intercellular Communication by Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) and Particles (EPs), and protein/particulate carriers of extracellular RNA (exRNA) that serve as biological mediators, regulators, and diagnostic analytes. The program consists of relatively short talks (15 and 30 minutes) and encourages open discussions after each talk so that the attendees can debate these concepts and foster dynamic scientific exchanges. The program also includes cutting-edge research on EVs, EPs, and exRNAs in cancer, CNS diseases, and bacterial and viral infections, as well as the mechanistic basis for biogenesis and activities, and technological and diagnostic advances in this important and emerging field of science.

The 2½-day meeting (Thursday, Friday, Saturday until noon; October 16 – 18, 2025) will be held at the newly renovated William F. Bolger Center in Potomac, Maryland. The estimated attendance is 100 – 150 guests (virtual and in-person).

Important Dates

Abstracts due: August 1, 2025
Registration deadline: September 5, 2025

Registration Fees

Registration Fees for the Meeting with All Meals Included:

Professor Member: $65
Professor Non-member: $750
Instructor/Postdoc: $450
Student: $350
Industry, Non-Sponsor:$800
Sponsors: See Package Levels Below
Virtual: $200

Sponsor Levels

GOLD SPONSOR:  $5000.00

  • Premium Exhibit Booth located close proximity to the meeting registration
  • 10-minute Product/Service Presentation
  • Full-page advertisement in the program booklet (8” x 10” page)
  • One Complimentary Meeting Registration (includes Snacks, Lunches, and Dinners)
  • Company logo included on the ASIC2025 Website Sponsorship Page
  • Company Logo in the Meeting Booklet


  • Exhibitor booth located near the meeting room
  • One Complimentary Meeting Registrations (includes Snacks, Lunches, and Dinners)
  • Half-page advertisement in the program booklet (4” x 5” page)
  • Company logo listed on the ASIC2025 Meeting Website Sponsorship Page
  • Company Logo in the Meeting Booklet


  • Exhibitor booth located near the meeting room
  • One Complimentary Meeting Registration (includes Snacks, Lunches, and Dinners)
  • 1/3-page advertisement in the program booklet
  • Company logo listed on the ASIC2025 Meeting Website Sponsorship Page
  • Company Logo in the Meeting booklet

Hotel Reservations

*Note – Hotel cost for ASIC2025 is separate from the meeting registration

Please book online to reserve at the Special ASIC2025 Rate.

If you have any questions, please call the Bolger Center at (866)-578-6600 or (301)-983-7000. The room registration deadline is September 15, 2025

Please click on the “Abstract Submission Information” and other tabs at the top of the page for more information.

UPDATES: Meeting Schedule and Presenters list will be updated as needed.